Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ignition spark

A birthday party for Alice in Greenpoint at The Palace
Session at Mark's with handdrum, the Yamaha into P'Tools
Out to Hamilton Ave. for TG dinner with tiramisu and too much wine
NHK's short pieces on Sibelius on Sat., followed quickly by mail from Matt with link to 20th C composers , including Sibelius
Another piece on rocks that look like miniature mountain peaks, rows of pocket worlds found in Kyoto's rivers
Mumbai cleans up.
After dark workers up on one of the ConEd towers rain volleys of sparks down it's side

Monday, November 24, 2008

Night bus

Sleeping late and having time to lie in bed until feeling ready to get up.
Easy ride from Delhi with Michael D, still light when we left at 3:28 , soon only tops of hills caught light.
Bare trees with shadowed ground covered in snow cold.
A few long views opened out across large fields, felled trees, horses running sometimes cows coming in from pasture.
Detours into 'hamlets', towns some still living some black wood deadencrepitude.
Only a few reading lights on in cabin of the bus.
Outside almost completely dark now after nightfall.
Silvered rivers, snow machines blowing up on Belleare, groups of teenagers walking along the highway.
Switch buses and one driver likes to drive fast almost speeding across lakelands before Bearsville, Woodstock.

Satisfying sessions resulting in , for the label : New Dominatrix tunes :
You never forget your first dominatrix /
Nuits x ( dominatrix night)
City that never sleeps v2 : an uncovered alt version of the City track that appears on New York Noise 3 and

Dystopians : Cold Stars is now mixed for release. Music by SA / Bones

The Voodooists : Spider dance now mixed for release.SA / Barg / Breck .
Another uncovered track from 1991 -'92 feat. some sounds from The Jungle And The Zoo cut from the Warlock Records 1992 12" -the goes into a 606 -808 drummachine bt rattling tribal spidery behind the Fifth generation priest and his mambos

So we got 5 for Rec ... plus

DCC new mixes:
Ignition spark
Galacticoast all got new mixes and close to final mixes.

DCC album 2008 -'09 :
Galacticoast Mosi
Ignition spark
Let the clubs ring
Drag Racing
One on ones
Me,czar of the Magyars
Alpha delta
Moons on Titan seas

and Ike Yard new mixes:
Oshima cassette

I really give credit to our engineer and co producer Paul Geluso for not only getting things done nice and quick -for keeping overview on where the cuts are going and for what use, what audience -and for keeping his gear up to snuff, and he always has some new piece and is well into 'Mastering'.
A 'Fifth member' for this upcoming DCC album !

Getting home and having great food Noyuri had brought, being in your own bed again and ready to crash out deeply.
Sweet dreams